South Dakota Housing today recognized the seven top loan originators of its homeownership loan programs. These programs provide affordable homeownership financing opportunities, which in turn provides security for families, stabilization for communities and the foundation from which dreams are built upon.
A lender's roster of home loan products probably includes fixed-rate mortgages, construction loans, home-equity loans, lines of credit and a host of other products. The Governor's House program from SDHDA is one homeownership opportunity that you should promote to your customers or members.
Here are three reasons promoting Governor's Houses can be a positive influence on your institution's brand.
Topics: Lending
When it comes to military veterans, returning home from service can come with a lot of adjustments. One of those adjustments may be finding or building a house to come home to in the first place. As a lender, there are small ways that you can enhance your offerings to military veterans.
Here are a few ways that financial institutions can better cater to vets.
Topics: Lending
As a lender, your business will ebb and flow based off of the decisions of homebuying borrowers. If potential customers buy into what you're offering, your business can grow in sync. So what are homebuyers looking for in a potential lender, anyway?
Here are four things you should keep in mind when trying to attract new borrowers.
Topics: Lending
Lenders and financial institutions that offer mortgages have a unique opportunity—to provide the key to owning a home to potentially thousands of families and individuals. So what can a mortgage lender do to offer the best possible options for their potential and existing customers?
Here are four avenues you should take as a lender to diversify your offerings.
Topics: Lending
You’re driving through neighborhoods, looking for your future home. You find “the one” and start asking yourself, “How will I pay for this?” A lot of homebuyers, especially first-timers, can get confused by the next step—lending. It’s nothing a little preparation and understanding of the right terms can’t solve.
What do you need to know about mortgages? Take a look at these essential terms to get started.
Topics: Lending
What’s the importance of attracting first-time homebuyers to your bank, credit union or financial institution? What benefits can participating in the South Dakota Housing Development Authority (SDHDA) First-Time Homebuyer Program truly provide a lender?
There’s more than one reason to become a participating lender—here are a few of them.
Topics: Lending
When it comes to building a good reputation in the housing market as a reliable lender, feedback from your key markets is, well, key. That’s why the South Dakota Housing Development Authority’s (SDHDA) regular survey of mortgage lending customers participating in the SDHDA homeownership programs offers some valuable insight into where your customers’ heads are at.
Topics: Lending
The 26th Annual Statewide Housing Conference is just around the corner. Set to take place Oct. 25-26, at the Ramkota RiverCenter in Pierre, the conference will feature plenty of networking opportunities and breakout sessions covering topics ranging from property management and housing policies to development and homeownership.
Topics: Property Development, Property Management, Lending