Your source for expert information on housing in South Dakota

The Dos and Don'ts of Home Inspections

The value of a home inspection is gaining an expert’s insight into the structure and state of your potential house before you invest. A home inspector can see red flags that you and your agent may miss.

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Topics: Homeownership

The Real Cost of Buying a Home: Closing Costs in a Nutshell

When it comes time to close, what are these “closing costs” that are always talked about? Should a homebuyer be prepared to offer up a substantial amount on them?

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Topics: Homeownership

Talking Mortgages: How Lenders Can Assist Their Customers

From the affluent buyer to a starter home purchaser, a mortgage lender can choose to stay fairly hands off with a given buyer’s process, or he or she can be an essential part of it.

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Topics: Lending

Helping Your Client to the Close: A Real Estate Agent How-To

Clients can come in all forms when it comes to real estate knowledge – so when it comes to agents serving buyers to their utmost abilities, it’s the real estate agent’s responsibility to inform, guide and respond to client questions.

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Topics: Insider

5 Ways to Save Money on Your Move

Planning a move to a new house soon? Do you have a game plan for getting your belongings to their new home?

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Topics: Homeownership

4 Things Every House Shopper Should Know

Before you embark on the journey of buying a home, know what you’re getting yourself into. The process of searching for the perfect property can introduce a lot of variables, from your own personal needs to your budget limitations.

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Topics: Homeownership

4 Apartment Listing Red Flags to Look for

“Cozy, one-bedroom apartment overlooking picturesque water feature.”

We all know that trick. It’s probably a closet situated next to a swamp.

When it comes to apartment hunting, there are several red flags that may pop up to alert you of when a property likely isn’t a good fit for you. Here are just a few of them that should give you pause.

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Topics: Renting

The Importance of Continued Lender Education

One of the most common questions we answer here is, “What does my lender need from me?”

Homebuyers want to make sure they provide everything the lenders need in order to quality them for home purchases.

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Topics: Lending

Budget-Building: Your Dream Home with a Smaller Price Tag


When you picture your “dream home,” what do you see? A brand-new house with all the bells and whistles? The perfectly landscaped yard? Four bedrooms? Two bathrooms?

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Topics: Property Development, Homeownership

Free Download: A South Dakotan's Guide to Buying Your First Home, Vol. 2: Searching

If you’ve never before worked with a real estate agent to purchase a house, it’s all new to you. And it can be overwhelming. But if you go into the process feeling well-prepared and in the know, it can alleviate a lot of the headaches that come with the home-searching process.

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Topics: Homeownership

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