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4 Ways Landlords Can protect Their Properties


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Topics: Property Management

10 Tips for Tenants from HUD

Renting a new place can be really exciting – but its also an opportunity to educate yourself. The US Department of Housing and Urban Development wants you to know your rights when you rent a house or apartment.

Read on for HUD’s top ten tips for tenants to protect their rights, or visit their website at

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Topics: Renting

The Guide to First-Time Homebuying Like a Second-Time Homebuyer

When it comes to the first-time homebuying experience, many people we talk to say, "I wish I had known this the first time around."

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Topics: Homeownership

4 Things That Can Hold Up Your Mortgage


When the excitement of owning a home sets in, you will likely want to make the process quick and painless to get keys in hand as soon as possible.

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Topics: Homeownership, Lending

4 Loan Options to Share with Your Customers

It’s always good to have options – that’s why South Dakotans should count themselves lucky. When it comes to purchasing or upgrading a new home there are choices residents have in borrowing.

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Topics: Lending

Are you Ready for Your First Home?

When you’ve got homeownership on your mind, waiting can make you restless. If your apartment is bursting at the seams and you’re looking to put down roots in a larger space, it might be time to buy your first home.

But buying shouldn’t be considered without first determining if you’re truly ready for the responsibilities, both financial and otherwise, of owning.

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Topics: Homeownership

Reasons to Offer the First-Time Homebuyer Loan Program

“Do I really need one more thing?”

That’s a question we hear from a lot of lenders.

Banks and credit unions have a wide breadth of loan and mortgage offerings, and it’s easy to feel like they are offering everything their clients need. But there are some things that the First-Time Homebuyer Loan Program offers that other programs may not.

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Topics: Homeownership, Lending

Property Development 101: 5 Tips for Doing it Right

Whether you’re a fledgling developer or a long-time pro, there are a few essential parts of every development project, particularly when you’re looking to build affordable, comfortable housing.

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Repeat Homebuying 101: Juggling Selling and Purchasing

The burden of selling a home while you’re in the thick of the new-house search can seem a little daunting. But juggling selling and purchasing simultaneously can be manageable if you keep the right things in mind.

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Topics: Homeownership

Apartment vs. House: When to Make the Homebuying Decision

If you’ve been renting for years, when do you know if it’s the right time to buy? There are a lot of factors that go into this decision, whether it’s investing in your future, the satisfaction of ownership or just getting more room to spread out. 

So what factors should go into the decision-making process?

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Topics: Renting, Homeownership

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