Your source for expert information on housing in South Dakota

How Apartment Pricing Works: Understanding the Fees

Lease agreements and apartment listings can be a lot to take in. From the rules and regulations to deposits and fees, understanding what you're truly paying for can sometimes be hard to determine. But with the right information, you can understand how apartment pricing works before signing documents.

Here are some of the fees you may encounter when apartment-hunting and renting.

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Topics: Renting

4 Ways to Save Money For Your Monthly Housing Budget

What could possibly be more fun than paying for a mortgage each month? (All right, you can probably name quite a few things, but keeping a comfortable housing budget doesn’t always have to be painful, either.)

Cutting down on a few expenses elsewhere can help you save for your housing budget.

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Topics: Homeownership

The Guide to Mortgage Payments: Understanding the Lingo

When venturing into the world of homebuying, it may feel like learning an entirely new language. The lingo and jargon might be totally foreign to you. That's why educating yourself on the basics is so important.

Here are just a few common mortgage-related terms you should know when buying a home.

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Topics: Homeownership

The Renter's Guide to Sioux Falls

If you’re on the hunt for an affordable apartment in Sioux Falls, the South Dakota Housing Development Authority (SDHDA) offers valuable tools and resources. To start the process off, here are some tips for finding your ideal living space for your budget, space and family needs.

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Topics: Renting

South Dakota Housing Programs Developers Should Know About

Developing housing sometimes requires a little extra assistance, financially speaking. Luckily, there are many options open to developers looking to construct housing statewide—particularly for low-income households. From emergency solutions grants to tax credits, there are programs you should consider.

Here are five South Dakota Housing Development Authority (SDHDA) programs of which any developer here in our state should be aware.

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Topics: Property Development

How to Calculate Your Mortgage Payment

One potential hurdle you may encounter when navigating the world of buying your first home is the mortgage payment. What do all the terms mean, and how can you estimate how much house you can truly afford? The first step is familiarizing yourself with the vocabulary—then it's just a matter of estimating the amount so you can plan ahead for your budget.

Here are a few starter tips for calculating your mortgage payment.

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Topics: Homeownership

South Dakota Housing Programs Homebuyers Should Know About

Paying for a home isn't always a one-person or one-family job. There are several funding options available to South Dakotans when it comes to providing a place to live for your household. From assistance programs to housing opportunities, there are many programs to consider.

Here are five South Dakota Housing Development Authority (SDHDA) programs of which you should be aware.

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Topics: Renting, Homeownership

Shopping for Houses in South Dakota: 3 Great First Steps

Considering the search for your new home? House-shopping in South Dakota offers potential buyers a lot of options. Take advantage of the services the South Dakota Housing Development Authority (SDHDA) and its partners offer. Our services help ensure you are comfortable with all the steps leading up to purchasing a house.

Here are three steps you should consider—especially if you're a first-time homebuyer.

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Topics: Homeownership

Saving for Your First Home: Tips and Tricks to Do it Right

Saving for your first home might seem overwhelming at first. But owning a house can be a big investment that ultimately pays off—especially if you save wisely and start sooner than later. The more you save now, the bigger downpayment you may be able to afford.

Below are eight steps you can take to start saving for your first home.

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Topics: Homeownership

Home Insurance: What it Covers and How it Works

You value your home and everything in it. That’s why it’s crucial you have a home insurance policy that protects your property. There is a variety of options from which to choose, so it’s important to know what your policy entails.

Here are some basics to keep in mind when it comes to home insurance.

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Topics: Homeownership

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