Your source for expert information on housing in South Dakota

Home Loan Preapprovals: What You Need to Know

When it comes to buying a home, one of the first steps toward securing your financing is to apply for a preapproval. Your home loan can take many forms, but a preapproval gives you a stronger sense of what to expect in a mortgage.

Here's what you need to know about preapprovals—and how they affect your homebuying process.

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Topics: Homeownership

How Mortgage Lenders Can Better Cater to Veterans

When it comes to military veterans, returning home from service can come with a lot of adjustments. One of those adjustments may be finding or building a house to come home to in the first place. As a lender, there are small ways that you can enhance your offerings to military veterans.

Here are a few ways that financial institutions can better cater to vets.

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Topics: Lending

Why Housing Development in Rural Communities Matters

Much of the headlines when it comes to property development revolve around major projects in urban areas—cities with high growth rates and ample opportunities for profitable construction. However, there's an area of the country that needs just as much development attention—rural communities.

Here are some of the reasons property development is so important to rural America.

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Topics: Property Development

6 Ways to Furnish Your New Home on a Budget

As a first-time homebuyer, you may have one challenge to deal with that you may not have anticipated—your purchased space is typically larger than your rented one was. More space means more rooms—and more rooms means more furnishings. How can you tackle some of your initial home-furnishing needs without spending your entire monthly budget?

Continue on for six tips for furnishing your new home in affordable ways.

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Topics: Homeownership

A Senior's Guide to First-Time Renting

Are you thinking about renting as a senior? If it's been a while since you've rented, or this is your first time, there are some important factors every senior should know. Before you start the apartment search, know what's available to you—from your neighborhood options to budgetary assistance to your renter rights.

Read on for our guide to renting as a senior.

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Topics: Renting

5 Things to Remember When Hunting for an Apartment

Depending on the number of listings in your community, your apartment search might be a one-and-done situation, or you may visit several units before committing. Regardless, make sure you spend your time wisely by taking the right steps to obtain the best possible option.

Here are five tips for a worthwhile apartment hunt.

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Topics: Renting

7 Great Reasons for Buying a Home

Owning a home—is it really all that it's cracked up to be? The truth is, there are many reasons you may feel ready to buy, whether you need more room or are simply ready to settle down more permanently.

Whatever the case, here are seven reasons for becoming a homeowner.

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Topics: Homeownership

How to Buy a Home in a Seller's Market

The housing market can change month to month—whether it's a "buyer's market" or a "seller's market" can depend on the time of year, where you live and the style of home for which you're looking. When it comes to navigating a market that is more predisposed to sellers, there are small steps you can take to stay competitive and secure your dream home.

Here are five tips for buying a home in a seller's market.

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Topics: Homeownership

The Renter's Guide to Aberdeen

If you're ready to call Aberdeen home, your rental housing needs may soon be met. South Dakota Housing Development Authority (SDHDA) can be a great first step toward finding affordable rentals. Apartment-hunters in South Dakota's third-largest city should read on for a guide to local property managers and other important info.

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Topics: Renting

How to Tell When You've Outgrown Your Starter Home

You're no stranger to the homebuying process. You bought your first home, and perhaps have been in it for many years. When is it time to upgrade? How can you tell when you've outgrown your starter home? Other than the obvious—your family members now outnumber your available bedrooms, etc.—what other signs indicate it's time to make the move?

Here are four signs you might be due for a repeat homebuying experience.

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Topics: Homeownership

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