Your source for expert information on housing in South Dakota

How to Buy Your First Home

There are no ifs, ands or buts about it…buying your first home is a big deal! There are a lot of moving parts when dealing with your first home, but there’s no need to stress out. Luckily, right now is a great time to buy and mortgage rates are still good. If you’re looking to buy your first home and have some questions… you’ve come to the right place.

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Topics: Homeownership

Important Message from SDHDA

For Immediate Release

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How Much House Can I Afford?

So, you’re looking for a new place? Buying a new home can be a lot of fun; all those years of hard work, saving and research are finally coming to fruition. You know that you’re going to buy a house soon, but do you know how much of a house? It’s easy to get wrapped up in the thrill of purchasing a new house…but be sure to stop and think about this important question.

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Topics: Homeownership

Notice of Hearing on Bond Issues

For Immediate Release

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5 Tips for Finding the Right Home

House hunting isn’t your everyday shopping experience. While it’s more exciting than window shopping or trying on new clothes, finding the right home takes a lot more research and commitment.

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Topics: Homeownership

3 Ways to Make the Most of Your First Home

Owning a home has always been a big part of the American Dream, and that dream is still very much alive today. There are plenty of benefits to owning a home including: increased freedom, stability and privacy. It’s important to make the most of homes, and after you’ve secured a home of your own, you’ll want to be sure you do everything you can to maximize that ownership.

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Topics: Homeownership

What to Look for in an Affordable Home

Quality and price have a unique relationship, and they don’t always correlate. Sometimes, especially when searching for a home, it’s difficult to determine what’s worth it and what isn’t. A cheap home doesn’t necessarily mean it’s affordable. If a house is cheap, it’s generally for a reason. There may be serious renovations that need to be dealt with or a history of damage or crime that you may not know about. Do your research and shop smart before you put down that downpayment.

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Topics: Homeownership

DATE MOVED! SDHDA Hosting Public Meeting on Housing and Community Development Plans

For Immediate Release

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Public Notice to Qualified Homebuyers - Mortgage Credit Certificate Program

For Immediate Release

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How to Be a Homeowner in the Wintertime

When it comes to being a homeowner, there are lots of feelings you may experience over the years. Homeownership is part of the American dream to many, but with that comes certain responsibilities—especially in the wintertime. Winters in South Dakota are all too familiar for some of us, but it's always a good reminder that winter requires some extra attention. Preparing for the long winter months can help you avoid costly problems. 

Get your house winter-ready with these handy tips!

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