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How to Prep Your Rental Units for a Successful Open House

Avoiding vacancy is every property manager's No. 1 goal. Rental units are an investment, and leaving one vacant is a surefire way to set back the gains you earn from a unit. Fortunately, open houses are a great way to get your vacant property in front of as many people as possible in a short timeframe. By hosting a successful open house, you save yourself time and put an end to vacancy headaches.

Read on for tips on how to prepare for a stellar open house.

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Topics: Property Management

4 Tips for Navigating Real Estate App Listings When Selling

In today's increasingly connected world, Apple's famous slogan "there's an app for that" has never been more true. When homeowners first begin attempting to sell their houses, they are often caught up in a whirlwind of real estate listing app sign-ups and submissions. With so many mobile applications from which to choose, deciding your plan of attack can be a bit confusing. Fortunately, we've got a few tricks that can help save you stress throughout the process.

Read on for four tips to consider when adding your house to listing apps.

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Topics: Homeownership

5 Ways to Prepare Your Home for Inclement Weather

We've all been there—the weatherman says that a storm is coming and your heart sinks a bit. As a homeowner, times of bad weather can be particularly worrisome. Your house is important, and protecting it will always be in the back of your mind, but there are steps you can take to eliminate that sinking feeling you've come to associate with times of less-than-stellar weather. 

Read on for five things you can do to protect your home from the elements.

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Topics: Homeownership

The Art of Making an Offer on a House: What You Need to Know

Thinking about buying a house, but you're a bit intimidated by the process of making an offer? You're not alone. The process of buying a house has a lot of elements to consider, so it's easy for first-time homebuyers to feel overwhelmed by the process. You can dodge offer paralysis and throw your hat into the ring for your future home by following a few simple steps.

Read on for some key tips to help you navigate the offer-making process.

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Topics: Homeownership

Apartment vs. Townhome vs. House—What Should You Rent?

Deciding what type of place you should rent can be a head-scratcher. Do you save money and live in a smaller place? Do you pay more and avoid the crowded feeling of an apartment complex? We've broken the rental decision-making process down into three main groups—cost, space and neighbors. We've weighed the pros and cons of each type of rental unit, so you don't have to. 

Read on for some insight into which rental path is right for you.

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Topics: Renting

6 DIY Kitchen Projects to Enhance a Starter Home

Looking for some DIY projects to kick off your starter-home revamp? Besides unfinished basements and antiquated carpeting, your kitchen is one of the fastest ways to improve the value of your home. With a few quick weekend projects, you can significantly improve the value of your house and give yourself a kitchen worthy of a master chef.

Read on for six low-cost do-it-yourself undertakings that can add value to your home without breaking the bank.

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Topics: Homeownership

What Every Renter Should Ask a Property Manager Before Signing

Deciding where to rent is a big decision that can have a significant impact on your day-to-day life. All too often, renters are surprised and frustrated by the policies of their property managers, simply because they didn't know about those policies before signing their leases. When meeting with your potential future property manager, it's important to come prepared with a set of questions that can properly gauge how satisfied you will be with your living arrangement after you've signed on the dotted line. 

Check out these key questions to ask your property manager before you sign your lease.

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Topics: Renting

What to Keep in Mind When Considering Building a New Home

Each year, individuals and families all across the country take the leap and build the homes of their dreams. New construction is an incredible chance to build something that perfectly matches your needs, but there are a number of moving parts in the process. Do you know how prepared you are to take the next step?

Check out these key points to consider before you begin your build.

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Topics: Homeownership

How Your Credit Score Affects Your Rental Prospects

It goes without saying that landlords prefer to rent to tenants who they know will pay on time each month. To do this, they check each tenant's credit score before approving a move-in. With this in mind, it's easy to see that having a poor credit score can damage your renting prospects—but what does it take to rent an apartment when your credit history has room for improvement?

Read on to see how your credit score can affect your rental options.

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Topics: Renting

5 First-Time Homebuyer Tips for Being a Good Neighbor

Congratulations! Buying your first house is a major achievement. Just remember—with that house comes neighbors, and with neighbors come responsibilities. Now that you're all moved in, it's time to get neighborly. While it may sound like a tall order at first, it really only requires a few considerations on your end. We've listed some here to help give you the inside scoop before the family next door comes asking to borrow a cup of sugar.

Read up to learn how you can be a good neighbor.

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Topics: Homeownership

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