Your source for expert information on housing in South Dakota

Free Download: How to Rent An Apartment: The Guide to Finding the Perfect First Rental

So you’re ready to branch out on your own and rent your first apartment. It’s an exciting time, but if you have never done it before, where do you start? With the appropriate tools and knowledge, you can get on the right track to finding that perfect apartment in South Dakota, in the perfect neighborhood, for the perfect price.

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Topics: Renting

4 Lender Benefits of Offering the Repeat Homebuyer Program

First-time homebuyers don’t get all the benefits of buying in South Dakota—in fact, those looking for their second or third (or more) home might qualify for assistance from South Dakota Housing Development Authority (SDHDA) as well. 

But what’s in it for a lender? Check out some of the benefits of offering the Repeat Homebuyer Program to your customers or members.

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Topics: Homeownership

6 Tips for Speeding Up Your Home Sale

When selling a home, time is often of the essence. The longer your home is listed without receiving offers, the greater potential for your listing to become “stale” and overlooked.

So what are some of the best ways to speed up the process? Here are six.

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Topics: Homeownership

The First Time Homebuyer's Guide to Rapid City

If you’re on the hunt for your first home in Rapid City, South Dakota Housing Development Authority (SDHDA) has options for your financing. For a head-start on the housing search, here are a few tips for taking advantage of the SDHDA First-Time Homebuyer Program in the Rapid City area. 

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Topics: Homeownership

7 Reasons Why South Dakota is Our Favorite Place to Live

We may be biased, but South Dakota is the best place to live in the country. Need some convincing? Well, national rankings in some of the best aspects of quality of life should do the trick.

Here are seven key reasons why we think South Dakota is the best.

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Topics: Renting, Homeownership

How to Find an Affordable Apartment in South Dakota

So you’re about to begin your search for an affordable rental property in South Dakota…

If you have a good handle on what you’re able to afford and how much of a monthly rent payment your budget can handle, you’ll want to figure out your options. What are your must-haves and love-to-haves in an apartment?

Write your checklist—then consider the following pathways to begin your search.

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Topics: Renting

Selling a House: Tips, Tricks and Best-Kept Secrets

Selling your house isn’t going to be an exact science. Anything from square footage to neighborhood to the weather can have an effect on the appeal of your property. But there are some measures you can take to make your desired sale more likely.

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Topics: Homeownership

Shopping for a Home: 6 Tips from HUD

Searching for a house in South Dakota requires the right knowledge and resources to finance, find and close on your mortgage. The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has plenty of advice on doing this in the smoothest way possible. 

Check out some of the tips HUD offers with regards to shopping for a home.

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Topics: Homeownership

A Property Manager's Guide to Acquiring Residents

Empty units mean money lost. For every day that your unit is empty, you lose from $15 to $30 that can never be regained. Although every property manager hits a dry spell now and then, there are things you can do to prevent big losses.

Keep these tips in mind to ensure you can rent to quality tenants in a timely manner.

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Topics: Property Management

3 Things You Should Know About The Home Investment Partnership Program

When a community has a need for affordable housing development, they need not look any further than South Dakota’s HOME Investment Partnership Program, known simply as “HOME.”

Funded through formula grants to states and municipalities, administering agencies then partner with a nonprofit or for profit organization to finance the development of affordable housing in a community.

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Topics: Property Development

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