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3 Steps to Keep Your Heating Bills Low During the Cold Months


There are few better feelings than curling up under a blanket on the couch while the snow and wind whip outside. To be carefree of the weather is a not-so-small luxury everyone should enjoy. No one likes living in a cold house during the winter. Winter is gloomy as it is, but sometimes high heating bills can make you second-guess turning up the thermostat.

Follow these three steps, and keep your heating bill low this winter.

Seal Leaks

An easy way to keep your house warm this winter while saving some bucks is by sealing leaks in the house. This is the first and most obvious measure you can take. Leaks can affect any home, new or old. Energy savings from reducing drafts can range from 10-20 percent per year.  Windows and doors have huge potential for heat loss and account for a majority of energy inefficiency. Approximately 10 to 25 percent of your house’s heat loss can be attributed to windows.

There are many options for insulating and sealing, and some of those include:

  • Plastic film
  • Foam tape
  • Cellular shades
  • Caulking

Keep Up Vents & Radiators

Make sure all vents and radiators aren’t blocked or obstructed. Not only is this an easy way to keep air moving freely, but it is also safer for your home. Furnaces that overheat due to blockage could cause fires. Blocked furniture, rugs and appliances are all items that can easily hinder your heat circulation if they are in the way of your vents or radiators. 

Another easy way to keep your vents and radiators properly working is to ensure they're clean. Dust and dirt are insulators that can prevent heat from moving freely. This can create an imbalance and makes your heating system work harder to accommodate. Removing dust from the air is a healthy way to keep equal heat radiation in your home.

Control Temperature

This goes without saying, but adjusting your temperature to a lower setting on your thermostat will save you money. If you’re not going to be in your home for long periods of the day, it’s smart to consider lowering your temperature. When you get back home, just be sure to bump it back up to your wishing. If your thermostat features temperature scheduling ability, even better! If you only occupy certain parts of your home, relying on space heaters can be an advantageous endeavor. 

After a long day of work, you’ll want to come back to a warm and comfortable home. Heating your home uses more energy and costs more money than any other system in your home, typically making up 42 percent of your utility bill. South Dakota is used to weather extremes, but by properly maintaining your home and being wary of these factors, you’ll be saving energy in no time.

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