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3 Home Improvement Projects for Building Equity

3 Home Improvement Projects for Building Equity-1

Are you interested in building equity in your home? An easy way you can add value to your property is by making home improvements. Home improvements not only add value to your property quickly, but they can also make your home life more enjoyable, comfortable and beautiful. If you don’t have any ideas off the top of your head, no worries—borrow one of ours.

Here are three home-improvement projects for building equity.


Kitchen Remodeling

Renovating a kitchen may sound like a large and expensive task, but it doesn’t have to be if you plan smartly. There’s a wide range of opportunity inside the kitchen, both expensive and inexpensive. The kitchen is a very precious room inside the home, and, for many homebuyers, having a practical and spacious kitchen is a must. That’s why renovations are so valuable in the future. Cabinets, countertops and floors are all great places to start.



No one should ever judge a book by its cover, but when it comes to homebuying, you probably should. Your house might have a very impressive interior, but if it doesn’t have a nice exterior, you might scare away a lot of future buyers. Updating your landscaping is an easy and fun way to get your hands dirty and increase the value of your property. Having a front or backyard is a huge benefit to homeownership, so make sure your lawn is nice and healthy. Perennials and ornamental trees are great ways to make your house pop.



Adding a deck or front porch to your home can help make it a multipurposed location in the house. They are prime spots for social events or celebrations. The size of your deck, where you live, the materials you use and how you build it will affect how much you spend.


At SDHDA, we have the perfect program to help build equity. The Community Home Improvement Program (CHIP) provides low-interest loans for eligible borrowers to improve or repair the borrower's present single-family home. This is a great way for a large portion of homeowners to renovate and add equity to their homes. Apply today, and start your path toward more home equity.

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